Introducing Game Skinny: EVE Community Feedback Needed

I'm very excited. I've got a new writing gig and I'd like your help.

Game Skinny is a new community-minded initiative which provides a united platform for gaming articles, news, features, videos and any other content the fevered minds of the internet-savvy masses can concoct.

The website has been quietly building up steam for several months, as the Game Skinny techno-elves continue to weave their magic behind the scenes to allow luddites like me to jam words and pictures into the system with it exploding.

It is still very much in a beta state, which is why there's been no big push to announce it yet, but as one of the key alpha team contributors, I want to make sure I'm delivering stuff that folk want to read. So please take the time to check the site out, leave comments, provide feedback and let me (or them) know what can be done to improve your experience and what kind of content you'd like to see.

I'd like to put together a list of site improvement suggestions for the techno-elves, so please don't hold back. I for one would like to see more robust search and navigation tools.

EVE Coverage on Game Skinny

I've had an interesting journey over the last couple of months as I've spread my gaming wings in search of material other than EVE to write about. I fully intend to contribute EVE-related material to Game Skinny too, but I also want to continue producing material for the EVE-specific Freebooted and EON, so it's nice to have other strings to my bow.

That said, I enjoy writing about EVE and if the traffic and demand for EVE material is high enough, the Game Skinny overlords will be happy for me to provide more internet spaceship content. As an experiment during the Alpha stage, I put together some coverage of the New Eden Open. Please give it a look and let me know what you think of it and if similar coverage would be of value for future EVE events.

I'm also very proud of the journalistic odyssey which is my Exploring EVE Online column for Guild Launch. This has now been moved over to the Game Skinny site and will resume just as soon as my writing schedule settles down.

As well as big features like these, I will be aiming to provide regular news content for EVE and other games, particularly those of a science fiction nature. For that, I've just got to learn the art of brevity, which ironically is the fundamental principle of Game Skinny.

I have much to learn and I hope you'll come along for the ride.

Check out Game Skinny now.

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